Friday, December 27, 2019

So We Begin. . .

Two days after a major holiday and the weather outside is frightful.  (You can finish the next line, or even hum the whole song if you choose).   I am fortunate to be off for a few more days before I face the beginning of a new term in my Academic Library (work) and at my University (I will graduate with a Masters degree in a year.)

Surrounded with new books to read, and other amazing gifts why would I possibly want to start a new blog? Perhaps it is reflecting on a decade almost past, and the upcoming changes I face as I begin to contemplate new opportunities in other areas of the country once I complete my degree in a year.

I wanted to allow readers of my previous blog Hit The Road, an opportunity to stick with me, though my content and format will be quite different.  I will still be writing about road trips, but some of those trips may be through the pages of a book, or they may be to a restaurant, or perhaps I may just muse on the amazing journeys of our feathered friends, time will tell.

Today you might prefer to just be inside and out of the cold wet weather.  I suggest you turn to a book.  Right now I am travelling back in time and reading Marley by Jon Clinch.  Yes, the one and only Jacob Marley tells his version of life leading up to A Christmas Carol.  Although I have no immediate plans to travel to London, it is a fun daydream to think about visiting England during the holiday season someday.  Fans of Dickens will enjoy this tale, which puts much of Dicken's version into a better historical context.

Local readers from the Upper Connecticut River Valley might recognize this river.  It is a park I visit often, and a favorite haunt for a meander in my own Vermont neighborhood.  This picture was taken earlier this week, before our current wintry mix.
No matter where you live or what you do, be sure to get a walk in, if not every day, as often as you can.  Visiting the same place over and over is fine, if you are in the city, the window displays change. If you are in the country, there is always something different to notice in the natural world.
And if you are lucky enough to live near the ocean (a dream I hope to make a reality sometime), take a walk on the beach, say hello to the seagulls and breathe in that ocean air.

May your last few days of this decade be filled with joy, laughter and perhaps a little reflection as well.  Wherever you are may your meanders be meaningful.

So We Begin. . .

Two days after a major holiday and the weather outside is frightful.  (You can finish the next line, or even hum the whole song if you choos...